I recently inherited a Marlin lever action 30 30 with waffle top.

Anything to do with Lever Action Guns

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I recently inherited a Marlin lever action 30 30 with waffle top.

Post by Ryandurfee87 »

So I inherited a Marlin 30 30 waffle top lever action rifle with JM stamped on barrel close to the receiver. I was just wondering about the general information on this rifle. The numbers under the lever are E4381 I was having trouble finding information for this rifle so I was hoping someone might be able to share some general information and knowledge about it. I inherited from my grandpa and he says it was his dad's which would be great grandpa to me. I really appreciate any information I can get thank you!
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Re: I recently inherited a Marlin lever action 30 30 with waffle top.

Post by marlinman93 »

I can tell you it's a Model 336, which it should state on the barrel, and built in 1948.
Marlin lever actions 1870's-WWI, Ballards, and single shot rifles!
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